Sunday Share 3/27/2022 Reading, Dirty Life, & Birds


     I thought it was supposed to be spring but it is cold and breezy outside today. I started a new crochet project this weekend and repotted our garden seedlings. This was one of those rare weekends free of any obligations so I made the most of time with the kids, workout around the house, and creating. Hopefully this is our last cold snap and spring sticks around. 

    Spending time with the kids means helping our youngest learn to read every chance we get. She reads road signs and business signs while we drive, food labels in the pantry, and the covers of books that I leave laying around. I love this age where things just start to click and the desire to improve is insatiable. For those of you who find yourself with kids at a similar stage I found this article about teaching the joy of reading to be a helpful resource. 

Teaching the Joy of Reading

    Speaking of reading I recently read this book, The Dirty Life, about a city girls moving to the country. On of the books endearing qualities is the authors descriptions of the people in her new town. I love the image of folks paying a visit and saying only a few words. My kind of visit! Sometimes. I am linking to the authors page, I feel like amazon gets enough hits. 

The Dirty Life

    Right before this cold front the trees and flowers were starting to bloom and the yard had many birds starting to pay visit. I saw bird that I have not seen before so I tried to identify it, no luck yet. I instead got distracted roaming around on this bird identification site. I loved looking at the pictures of the birds, reading a bit about them, and even listening to sound bytes of their songs. 

Bird Watchers Digest

    That is going to be it for this week's share. I hope you are enjoying your Sunday and have a great week!


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