Sunday Share 5/12/22 Dandelions, Garlic & Eclipse
Oh, hey there! It is Sunday again, thanks for stopping by. This weekend was both restful and busy. It was also rainy and sunny. The differences almost made the weekend feel like a lot longer than it was. The temperature seemed to have gone from winter to summer and skipped spring altogether, form temps in the 40s to temps in the 80s days apart. The plants outside are starting to become bigger with each passing day and I am cautiously hopeful for this years garden.
The weeds have also done wonderful this year. The work we had done on the back wall and fence required us to reseed our grass, which looks amazing, but there are a few dandelions. I have made dandelion salve in the past this year I am trying to infuse oil so that I can use it in various ways. I am a few days away from straining my dandelion oil. I used the following recipe if you are interested.
The garlic is starting to come up through the soil in our garden ever so slightly. It has been years since I have grown garlic and I hope it continues to grow. Garlic is one of those foods that is supposed to be good for you. I found it interesting to read a little bit about how garlic came to be known as a powerhouse.
There is a lunar eclipse tonight. My middle kid is asking to stay up until 11:30 on a school night to see it. I figure why not. It might be fun if the clouds stay out of the long enough to catch a view of it. This is the first of two lunar eclipses this year. This article also goes over the types of eclipses and where they re visible from this year.
These weekends seem to be picking up in speed now that the weather has changed. The days are longer and we get more done during the week and then our work rolls right into the weekend. I hope you are getting to enjoy these longer days. Have a great week!
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