Memorial Day Weekend
This past weekend we took a little adventure. We went camping which is one of our favorite summer past times. We don't exactly rough it in our camper but we spend most of time outdoors connecting with nature and each other. On this past trip there was a whole group of us 9 adults plus our two children. We connected with old friends and made new ones while conversing around the campfire. It is pretty interesting to see if you like your friends enough to live with them for 3 days. Thankfully for us we do otherwise the weekend would have been excruciatingly long. Two of our friends are avid gardeners like us who love preserving their own food. One of the young ladies with us is venturing into the world of organic/natural food and beauty products in an attempt to leave a smaller foot print while bettering her own health. Another of the women in our group built her own kitchen cabinets by hand. I could go on and on about each person that went with us and how great they are.
We spent the weekend relaxing, eating and having a good time. At one point we went geocaching, which is something I have never done before. It was kind of exciting tromping through the woods on our own little treasure hunt even if we can up empty handed. A recent hail storm had knocked most of the leaves off the tree and on the forest floor making finding a camouflaged box impossible but we did find a great view and the end of our adventure.
After we arrived home it was time to clean up and start washing the mountains of laundry that had been accumulated. I took a minute to show my daughter the Memorial Day tribute at the local VFW. There were 362 crosses placed on the memorial for all the members of our local VFW who had passed. It was a good way for a her to see the scope of how many people in just our town had served in wars. It really helped her to understand why Memorial Day is important.
We spent the weekend relaxing, eating and having a good time. At one point we went geocaching, which is something I have never done before. It was kind of exciting tromping through the woods on our own little treasure hunt even if we can up empty handed. A recent hail storm had knocked most of the leaves off the tree and on the forest floor making finding a camouflaged box impossible but we did find a great view and the end of our adventure.
After we arrived home it was time to clean up and start washing the mountains of laundry that had been accumulated. I took a minute to show my daughter the Memorial Day tribute at the local VFW. There were 362 crosses placed on the memorial for all the members of our local VFW who had passed. It was a good way for a her to see the scope of how many people in just our town had served in wars. It really helped her to understand why Memorial Day is important.
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