Sunday Share 2/5/23



    I stopped doing the Sunday share for a time. I have been missing the routine of having something to share every week, and I am still doing all the same weekly planning, so I might as well get back to it. I have been spending my weekends cleaning out and organizing the house while trying to spend time together as a family. We have done Sunday dinner for years in our home. Now that the kids are getting older they have jobs and other commitments that take up the evenings. We are even more committed to making sure all 5 of us sit down together at least once a week. I found some short ribs on sale and was looking for a way to cook them, as I have never made them before. A quick internet search led me to this recipe which not only looks good but also appears to be pretty simple. It will make the perfect Sunday dinner for this week. 

    Braised Short Ribs

    I have spent the last month or so working on baking sourdough bread, I have yet to perfect it. But I am getting better! I always seem to mess up my timing and be gone from home for too long and have things fall flat. I've tried switching to only baking on the weekend but again being away from home while still not knowing fully what I am doing has limited my success. Still, we have had bread to eat every weekend sometimes it is flat and hard other times it rises pretty well but something else happens. I did buy a book or two to help me, so I am sure I will get it down pat. If you are a glutton for punishment like me and need another living thing to take care of and worry about all hours of the day and night sourdough bread is for you! No really, it is worth trying out, and having a book to explain the process will be really helpful. The pictures in this book are also amazing. 

Sourdough Cookbook

    I mentioned earlier organizing and one big area I emptied out and organized was our hallway closet. The closet is that one place that has all the hygiene, medication, first aid, and linen things we need along with a few backups just in case. I searched all over Pinterest for ways to organize our closet without spending an arm and a leg. I found one article that I could pick and choose from each of the design choices to make the perfect organized space for my family. Now, I'll tell you our closet is by no means Pinterest-worthy because none of our baskets match, the towels are a mishmash, and the nurse in me has 6 bottles of rubbing alcohol, a case of peroxide, and 3 drawers of first aid supplies. However, I can now find exactly what I need when I need it. If you are looking to do a little organizing of a closet check this out:

Linen Closet Organization

If you happen to be on Pinterest be sure to follow me there as well. 

Such a Lively Life on Pinterest


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