The Downside of Moving

Moving is great, you get to find a new space and dream and plan to your hearts content. However, there is a downside. You no longer know the deepest secrets of a home like which floor board will squeak, how to turn on the shower (when your husband installs the lever upside down), or exactly how much water the basement will take on in a once in ten years kind of storm. But hey now we know, the basement will pretty much fill with water courtesy to the cute little water fall from by the window. I'll never know why my husband decided to check on the basement right before we left for work that morning but I am so happy he did as it gave us a chance to move our family photos and other things that we ran out of time to put away upstairs. We lost somethings but honestly they were things we could stand to lose anyway ahem, decorations from our 12 year olds first birthday party.


Since the flood the basement has been an abandoned mess. My husband fixed the source of the flood. We tried to get everything up off the floor and hang up the things that got wet. Countless washer loads of blankets and bags later most of the stuff was dry but chaos still ruled the basement. Thankfully we could close the door and push it out of our minds and the instillation of a dehumidifier bought us even more time to delay complete clean up. Eventually though enough was enough and we set aside a whole day to get it done and man does it feel good to be dome that project. Now we can actually use the space and we don't have the guilt of a nagging project hanging over our head.

Now we can enjoy this table!

A clear floor!

Storage ( and I can find my stuff)


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